Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heath Bar Cake

I made this cake for my dad's birthday last weekend.  This cake is a secret family recipe!  So I probably shouldn't be sharing it...but it's just too good not to share. We call it "Aunt Dawn's Wacky Cake".  Not because she's wacky but because the recipe doesn't call for any eggs!  Who has ever heard of a cake with no eggs?  Anyways, this it the most MOIST cake I've ever had.  I'm not a huge cake fan, but this is a favorite.


3 c. flour
2 c. sugar
3/4 c. oil
2 Tbs. vinegar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
6 Tbs. cocoa
2 tsp. vanilla
2 c. cold water

Mix it all together in a large bowl.  Make sure you add in the baking soda and vinegar on top of each other to get those bubbles going before stirring it in with all the rest.  

Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit in a bundt cake pan for 35-40 minutes.  In my experience, it always needs the full 40 or a few minutes more but it depends on your oven. Just check with a toothpick!  

1 pint whipping cream
1/2 jar caramel sauce (or add as much as you want to taste)
Heath bar chips- about 2/3 bag in the whip cream mix and 1/3 bag on top

Beat the whip cream with beaters until it is whip cream consistency.  Don't add any caramel until you get to this point!  (Made that mistake once, you get a syrup instead of something thick enough to stay on the cake)  Fold in the caramel and heath chips once you've got your whip cream.  

Be prepared to be asked to make this again! 


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